Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi

On facial aesthetics with Dr.Bitik

Getting Rid Of The Double Chin

Question: Do you offer treatments for reducing double chin appearance?

Response: Yes, absolutely.

Question: Are these treatments non-surgical?

Response: Some patients might benefit from non-surgical methods, but most might need a more involved treatment or even surgery.

Here comes the disappointment: Doctor, I just have a bit of extra fat under my chin. It doesn't seem like something needing surgery. Thanks though.

Let's dive into the topic of "double chin" and how we can deal with it.

First, let's understand what "double chin" means.

Double Chin: It's the soft, full area under the jaw, right at the upper part of your neck. It can become more noticeable when you tilt your neck.

In medical terms, we call this the "sub-mental" area.

A well-shaped submental area starts from your chin's tip, goes straight along the bottom of your chin, staying parallel to the ground, then curves down. This creates an angle of around 100 degrees with your neck.

The causes of a disrupted submental appearance, also known as "double chin," are quite diverse. People sometimes hope that squeezing the area will reveal fat they can remove to improve their look. But the reality is more complex.

The double chin issue can arise from excess fat, loose muscle (platysma), deep fat under the platysma, enlarged digastric muscles, swollen submandibular salivary glands, weakened muscles under the chin, a set-back chin, and sagging facial skin under the chin.

For double chin aesthetics, it's important to tailor the treatment based on what's going on in that area.

In my practice, non-surgical options like mesotherapy, radiofrequency, focused ultrasound, and Kybella are suitable only for younger people with good skin elasticity and a bit of extra fat.

However, these non-surgical choices require multiple sessions. If the double chin is just excess fat, we can reduce it with a simple procedure: micro liposuction under local anesthesia, taking about 20 minutes. We can even use the harvested fat to enhance the chin tip during the same session. This is best for individuals in their 20s with good skin and a small amount of excess fat.

But here's the catch. Such procedures are only suitable for around 20-30% of those with a double chin concern.



Now, pay attention to this crucial point:

Removing fat from under the skin can make the skin looser.

If you're over 30, have more than a little extra fat, and your skin has started aging, removing fat might lead to saggy skin. While it might look better in photos, in real life, you might feel uncomfortable with the saggy neck skin when moving.

This applies to both surgical and non-surgical methods. Even non-surgical options can cause skin looseness if done aggressively.

I'm giving you a heads-up so you don't aim for a simple solution and end up needing a facelift sooner than you'd expect. Because, aside from surgery, there's no way to fix this loose skin issue.

When studying patients troubled by their double chin, we often notice a weak chin structure. A setback chin can cause muscle relaxation and make it look like fat, but it's a different problem. The best solution is a chin advancement surgery, known as "genioplasty."

Another reason for a double chin is sagging platysma muscle and facial skin. If you lift your cheeks and see the double chin vanish, the issue might be sagging skin or platysma muscles. In this case, a deep plane facelift is the way to go.

Often, a combination of the treatments I mentioned earlier is recommended after analyzing the patient's issues.

Submental Liposuction + Chin Implant,

Submental Lipectomy + Platysmaplasty,

Submental liposuction + Genioplasty

Submental Liposuction + Lower Face/Neck Lift,

and more…

So, it's not just about "Double Chin Aesthetics."

It's more about a comprehensive "Face and Neck Aesthetics."

If you're concerned about a double chin and want to know more about your options, feel free to reach out to us.

Stay with love,

Stay beautiful.


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