Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi

On facial aesthetics with Dr.Bitik

Is Rejuvenation Possible With Facial Fillers?

Our face significantly loses volume as we age. The loss of volume in the aging face occurs very slowly and very regularly in all parts of the face. This change is so slow and silent that you may miss it in the mirror every morning, but when you look at the photos from 15 years ago, you will instantly notice the difference in volume.

One of the strategies for approaching the aging face is to replace this loss of volume.

So what is the place of fillers in volume enhancement?

The main problem with ready-made hyaluronic acid preparations publicly known as "fillers" and the likes of them is the cost-benefit ratio.

Typically, the loss of volume that needs to be enhanced on the face of a woman who has reached the age of 45 is around 10-20 cc, and at the age of 55, this amount rises to almost 30-50 cc.

When you look at the patients exhibited by manufacturers on their own web platforms, the quantities they use per patient to attain a visible difference vary between 4-8 cc.

The price for only 1 milliliter of FDA-approved filler varies between 150-400 US Dollars depending on the variability in material and application fees.

In other words, when you make a simple addition, a duly-performed procedure for a minor change that will last for a year costs almost as much as the prices of surgery.

When you reduce the quantity, the person becomes unable to notice the procedure-led changes in the mirror.

It is very important to be able to distribute the filler smoothly into the tissue in high volume filler applications. The filler should be distributed so well that one part of the face should not appear more voluminous than the rest. The key rule for preventing artificial results is to evenly distribute the filler into the tissues.



So how do we distribute it? By administering the same volume in many needle crosses instead of delivering high volumes in a single needle. And many needle crosses mean increased edema and bruising. In other words, the procedure does not offer you the comfort of having it performed at lunch time and then going back to work immediately.

I always tell my patients whom I will apply fillers for facial rejuvenation that they will definitely need a recovery period of 3-4 days, and at the end of this period, they will need a 4-day make-up and camouflage phase. On day 14 after the procedure, we have a control examination for retouches.

A key point is the requirement that gravity-led changes must not have occurred on the face of the patients who will only be given fillers. The face must not be sagging. Because you can't fix sagging by filling it.

Another important point is that potential patients know there will be no significant change after the procedure. If everyone around you notices the change in your face at first glance after you have had filler procedures, this is proof that the naturalness limit has been exceeded in the procedure. Ideally, you should be able to see slight differences between standardized before and after photos, your relatives should be able to feel that there is something different about you, but they should not be able to fully understand or express what it is.

In brief, you can be a good candidate for rejuvenating fillers if the gravity-led changes have not yet occurred on your face, the cost of high volumes and annual repetitions are fit for your budget, you are willing to have light bruises for 3-4 days and the minimal changes and differences in shade and color due to the procedure match your goals.

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