Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi

On facial aesthetics with Dr.Bitik

Jawline Filler

“Jawline” is a term used in American medical literature to describe the lateral contour of the chin.

You know, there used to be an American movie where a giant shark swallowed people on the beach and for a while turned us off from swimming: JAWS.

A sharp and strong jawline evokes youth and beauty.

The basic components of a beautiful chin contour are as follows:

  1. A strong and pronounced lateral angle of the jaw,
  2. A precisely-positioned and prominent chin tip,
  3. A continuous, smooth, tense and pronounced jawline between these two protrusions that diverges from the neck.

There are various anatomical factors that affect the chin contour. The key ones are the jawbone and the teeth on it. Masticatory (chewing) muscles at the jaw angle, soft tissue layers of the face extending along the chin, the platysma muscle extending from the neck to the chin, the salivary glands covering the space between the chin and the neck, the fat pads between the chin and the neck all closely affect the chin contour.

You need to know that there are hundreds of different "structural" disorders that impair the aesthetics of the chin.

These structural disorders may require extensive multidisciplinary treatments. For instance, if the lower jaw is developmentally small or receding, and orthodontic treatment correcting the teeth may be needed for 1 to 2 years, followed by a surgical operation that takes 2-3 hours, a 4 to 6-week recovery period and complementary surgical procedures at the tip of the chin.

Jawline filling is the aesthetic modification of the chin contour by injecting fillers. It is essentially a camouflage process. Jawline filling can temporarily change the chin contour or the asymmetries in the chin contour can be temporarily camouflaged with this method.

How to Fill a Jawline

Jawline fill requires a relatively high volume of fillers to be injected along the chin contour. For instance, 1-2 milliliters are sufficient for lip augmentation, while 6-10 cc of fillers would be needed to change the contour of the chin. The filler will be spreading over a larger area. In terms of patient comfort and safety, we give jawline fillers under local anesthesia and under sterile clinical conditions. The process takes approximately 30 minutes. We start the procedure with local anesthesia. Following that, first the lateral angle of the jaw and then the chin tip is given filler material. After these two basic aesthetic benchmarks are developed to the desired level, we develop the line between them with fillers. In practice, we use flexible cannulas that slide in the tissue and do not damage the vascular/nervous structures.

What Materials Are Used for Jawline Fill?

The most common jawline fillers are Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a “dermal” filler. So, it's designed for the skin. In jawline fill, we apply it to the deep tissues under the skin and sometimes even immediately on the bone.

In jawline fill, dermal fillers can be used as well as harder subcutaneous (SubQ / Subcutaneous) fillers. As of today, no product of any brand has been approved by the FDA, particularly for jawline fill. Therefore, you should know that no matter what material you use, it will be “off-label”.

We strongly do not recommend permanent fillers for jawline. As a matter of principle, I never recommend permanent synthetic fillers.



What is the Duration of Action in Jawline Fill?

Jawline filler has a permanence of 3-18 months depending on the type of material used and its interaction with your body. Most of the time, we can say that it is applied once a year. It is possible that the immune system of the person recognizes the filler as foreign and destroys it prematurely. In that case, the duration of action may be shorter. Sometimes the opposite is also possible, and the applied filler can manifest itself for 2-3 years.

Who is Eligible for a Jawline Fill?

The best candidates for a jawline fill are healthy individuals under the age of 40 with mild developmental delay in the jawbone but normal tooth alignment. It would be more reasonable to prefer surgical lift procedures in people with signs of aging and soft tissue sagging. Jawline fill is a good option particularly for male patients. Because having a prominent chin contour is a "masculine" feature. In women with a sufficient chin contour, a better pronounced chin contour after "jawline fill" can create a masculine and rough appearance. This should be paid attention.

How is the process of returning to work and social life after a jawline fill?

There will be an extra swelling on your face for 1 or 2 days after the procedure. It is not a good idea to socialize in the first 24 hours after a jawline fill. Otherwise, your friends may make fun of you, saying, "Oh, here is Popeye," and you will feel sad. It will take about 2 weeks for the fill to fully settle. You can return to work and social life with a light make-up in two or three days. The application site may be somewhat sensitive for the first 48 hours, and slight bruises may occur in the injection sites for the first 5-7 days.

Alternatives to Jawline Fillers

Before you step into a jawline fill, it is important to be familiar with the basic problem that leads you to this application. Therefore, I recommend that you get an opinion from a plastic surgeon who has experience in maxillofacial surgery. Let's say you are satisfied with the application. So, will you continue to have this application done every year for the rest of your life? It's a good idea to ask this question from the very beginning. In the long run, it will be advantageous for patients with mild developmental delay in the mandible to consider more permanent surgical options such as orthognathic surgery, jaw angle implants, jaw tip implants, jaw tip advancement and fat transfer to the jawline.

Prices for Jawline Fillers

Jawline fill requires a high volume of fillers. As a basic principle, the price of the procedure increases as the filler volume increases. Jawline filler prices vary according to the type of filler used, the volume of the filler, the service standards of the organization and the experience of the physician. You should also pay attention to the “accumulated long-term cost” in jawline fill. For instance, in a matter of 5-6 years, undergoing a jawline fill of 6-10 cc every year will exceed the cost of jaw implant surgery, which is a more permanent option.

Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information on jawline fill and other alternatives in jaw contouring.

Take good care...

... of yourself and your beauty.


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