Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi

On facial aesthetics with Dr.Bitik

Lip Filler Models: Which One Would You Buy?

As Turkish plastic surgeons, we have once again achieved a first in the world and got rid of the boring atmosphere of the backward western medical literature and classified the lip anatomy with a terminology that our people will understand at first glance. 

Let's hear the applause.

For now we have Aphrodite lip, Venus lip, French lip and Russian lip, Eros, Portos, Aramis, models. As we will soon complete the solar system, continental Europe and the three musketeers, gentlemen, do not worry, the Mars lip for men will soon take its place in our clinics. 

Hyaluronic acid lip fillers have gained great popularity in recent years. Lip fullness is an element that emphasises the femininity and youth of the female face. It is possible to positively affect the visuality of both the lip and relatively the chin, nose and eyes by increasing the lip fullness in individuals whose lip volume is less than normal compared to the face. 



So what should our patients expect from this procedure?

If we write a book on the word ‘expectation’ in plastic surgery, it can be written. Patients cannot be happy unless expectations are not met. The essence of our job is to make people happier, more social, more productive individuals by correcting their physical appearance.

In order for the expectation to be realistic, the patient must be enlightened. Otherwise, expectations are based on statistics, scientific data, consensuses that have emerged with the refinement of experiences, that is, on dreams rather than facts, and it is inevitable that the work started with dreams will end with disappointment. 

The dreams are as follows; We will go to the doctor's office, we will choose the shape of the lip we want from the catalogue in our hands, we will say ‘pull, doctor, an Aphrodite lip from there’, from there we will go to lunch with friends, it's done.  

In reality, the situation is as follows; Lip filling is a medical application performed to plump the lip in accordance with the aesthetic integrity of the face, the anatomy of the jaw and teeth, within the limits of medical safety, of course taking into account the wishes of the patient. It is not a hairdresser's job, it has serious complications.  Our aim is not to change the model of the lip.

As you cannot choose a model from the catalogue, in some cases your doctor may politely tell you that you are not a suitable candidate for this procedure and send you home with a cup of tea. 

Lip augmentation is an application that aims to plump the lip by preserving the original shape of the lip rather than changing the shape of the lip. In other words, we do not want Aslı's lip to be like Artemis, we want it to be like Aslı, but we want it to have a natural fullness. Each person is born with a unique and unique lip structure and there is no concept of non-preferred / ugly lip type in plastic surgery. As in all other aesthetic surgery applications, beautification without disturbing the originality is essential, the main goal.  

A warning from me; Do not set out to have a lip with an erotic name and do not lower yourself to the situation of ‘the sister with sausage lips at the next table’. Let me warn you again, as the names take off, the prices will increase. Before stepping into lip augmentation, discover the beauty of your own lip, look at it with a receptive eye, have a list that you say I love these about my own lip and I don't want it to change. If you say ‘I can't find anything to love about this lip’, type ‘body shape perception disorder’ into Google, not ‘lip filler doctor’, and read the texts that come up with an open mind.

Stay with love,

Stay nice.     


For more detailed information about Lip Augmentation, you can access Assoc. Dr Ozan Bitik's official website

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