Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi

On facial aesthetics with Dr.Bitik

Non-Surgical Applications

Non-Surgıcal Facıal Rejuvenatıon

Those who know me and follow my work know that I prioritize surgical procedures in fa…

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10 Things You Need To Know About Under-Eye "Light" Fillers

“Does the doctor give ‘under-eye light fillers’? We will get an appointment depending…

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No Benefıts From Botox Aymore?

If you have lost that initial excitement in your relationship with Botox, this articl…

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On Energy-Based "Rejuvenation" Technologies

Some stories are too good to be true... Some are short-lived, like first love.…

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French thread lift

I do not do it. Silicone-coated, barbed, flexible suspension material.…

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Don't Get Tangled By Threads On Your Way To Rejuvenation

The statements by doctors vary, which is a good source of stress for prospective pati…

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Under-Eye Mıcro Fat Tıssue Transfer And TCA Peelıng

This is my preferred method for the treatment of under-eye volume losses.  I am not v…

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Jawline Filler

“Jawline” is a term used in American medical literature to describe the lateral conto…

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Stem Cell Applications: Dreams and Facts

Those who follow my blog already know the answer to the question. For those who do no…

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The Famous Argument On Stimulation Of Collagen Synthesis

All those trivial, useless rejuvenation and beautification products/services availabl…

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This Is Why I Don't Perform Mesotherapy

Because I can't personally see their effect. Because I can't show their effect to my …

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Hopes Caught In The Spider Web

It was once very popular.  Each day another patient was writing to me.…

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