Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi

On facial aesthetics with Dr.Bitik

Non-Surgıcal Facıal Rejuvenatıon

Those who know me and follow my work know that I prioritize surgical procedures in facial rejuvenation.

-Well, don't you perform non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures which we keep hearing about?

-Of course I do. Before and after surgeries…

Patient satisfaction in non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications is related to patient expectations.

First of all, you should be informed accurately and completely.

If the information you get is in line with your expectations, you are likely to be satisfied with the procedure.

This article was written to inform you about non-surgical facial rejuvenation.

What you need to know before going into non-surgical facial rejuvenation is below:

  1. The impact of non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures gradually decreases as we go deeper from the skin surface. The effect of non-surgical applications is greatest on the skin surface. For instance, surface problems (sun damage, spots, fine wrinkles, etc.) are treated with non-surgical procedures such as creams, masks, peeling, laser, nanofat and fillers. Aging-related, deeper problems, on the other hand, can only enjoy limited benefit from non-surgical applications.
  2. Effectiveness and action of non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications are the limit for such applications. Expecting effective and permanent results from these procedures as in surgical applications will result in disappointment.
  3. Non-surgical facial rejuvenation requires frequently-repeated applications as they have a short duration of action. In order to maintain the effects of the procedure, Botox should be repeated every 6 months, while hyaluronic acid fillers should be repeated every 6-12 months, mineral fillers every 18-24 months, and thread lift procedures every 3-6 months.
  4. Non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications are much easier than surgical applications. They are often cheaper, too.
  5. Repetitive sessions of non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications can build up in the long run to create high costs. For instance, a Botox application is 5 times cheaper than an eyelid surgery. However, a total of 6 Botox applications at every 6 months in a 3-year period will result in an accumulated cost which exceeds the cost of the surgery. Therefore, you should consider the long-term costs when choosing a non-surgical strategy.
  6. Non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications pose lower risks than surgical applications. However, non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications should not be perceived as beauty treatments performed in beauty salons or hairdressers. Even the simplest filler application has serious risks such as tissue loss, blindness and soft tissue infections. Surface treatments (peeling, laser, radiofrequency, etc.) may cause burns, tissue thinning, scar formation and stain formation on the skin surface or in the subdermal tissues. Threads used in thread lift procedures may cause inflammation, surface irregularities and formation of abnormal strips. All applications, be it surgical or non-surgical, have their own risks.
  7. Non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications may be used to create a temporary effect before surgery and to save time for the patient until surgery. For a person who thinks “I am considering facial rejuvenation surgery in 2 to 3 years, but I want to look more beautiful at my daughter's wedding in 3 months”, non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications may be the right choice.
  8. Non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications are highly useful as a follow-up treatment after surgeries. The surgery corrects the anatomical problems of the face, i.e. it finishes the construction of the house. Non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications can be considered as the interior architecture of the house. During routine controls after facial rejuvenation surgery, we often try to keep the face revitalized through non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications such as micro/nano fat tissue transfer, TCA peeling, laser, Botox and mineral fillers.
  9. The basic principles of facial aesthetics, i.e. customization, holism and scientificalness, also apply to non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications. The more holistic the approach you prefer in non-surgical facial rejuvenation is, the more effective and natural results you will obtain. For instance, you can achieve a holistic and effective result if you combine all of the micro fat tissue transfer around the eyes + TCA peeling, 6-10 ml mineral filler to shape the face, hyaluronic acid filler for lips, and thread lift for cheeks and eyebrows. However, you should know that such combinations will cost almost as much as surgery, and the effect will not last longer than a year. In non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications, the combinations should be tailored depending on the facial structure of each person. In non-surgical facial rejuvenation, patients should never be offered a procedure with promises beyond its scientifically-proven effectiveness or duration of action.
  10. Non-surgical facial rejuvenation does not treat anatomical problems requiring surgery. Therefore, it should not be considered as an alternative to surgery. Non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications are not an alternative to but rather complement facial rejuvenation surgeries. For instance, the mimic hyperactivity around the eyes of a patient with mechanical drooping of the eyelid cannot be corrected with Botox. The underlying anatomical defect must be corrected. For instance, in a case where the neck contour deteriorates due to an enlarged salivary gland under the platysma muscle, it will be futile to apply ultrasonic energy, radiofrequency, mesotherapy, and thread lift in the neck. Therefore, as I always emphasize, non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications fall within the field of expertise of plastic surgeons.



I have many fellow plastic surgeons who successfully perform non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications. In addition, the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery organizes intensive training events on non-surgical facial rejuvenation. The key advantage of plastic surgeons in non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications is their ability to treat potential complications. Another advantage plastic surgeons have in non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications is that they can adopt a more holistic perspective towards patients since they are competent in surgical procedures as well.

As I mentioned earlier in my article, I am a physician who prioritizes surgical procedures in facial rejuvenation. Each physician has a unique practice and patient population. Few of my patients accept limited/short-term effects at great cost. As a physician who wants my patients to be my friends for life rather than short-term friends, I could never embrace the "Cinderella effect" in non-surgical facial rejuvenation applications. In my field of specialization, dissatisfaction with the procedure instantly turns into dissatisfaction with the physician.

In non-surgical facial rejuvenation, you can only achieve good results when you prefer a comprehensive approach and make a combined application, but most of the benefits you reap will disappear within 3-6 months. Then the coach turns back into a pumpkin. But the money spent never comes back.

Then haunts the negative comments from friends and acquaintances.

  •  You were so good last July. What happened to you? You look terrible.
  •  You spent so much money six months ago. What has changed?

In brief, if you do not have a fairy godmother who can provide you with gratuitous funds for a comprehensive non-surgical facial rejuvenation application every 3-6 months in real life, this fairy tale may not have a happy ending. Even if you have considerable financial resources, getting a procedure every 3-6 months will ultimately get boring.

Please feel free to contact us for more detailed information on non-surgical facial rejuvenation.

Take good care...

... of yourself and your beauty.


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