Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi

On facial aesthetics with Dr.Bitik

Ponytaıl Lıft

If you like the effect you see on your upper face when you make a tight ponytail, if you are between the ages of 25 and 40, if the distance between your favorite line and the outermost corner of your eyebrow is shorter than 3.5 cm, if you are looking for a procedure that does not leave any scars on the face and heals quickly, this procedure nay be the right one for you.

The ponytail lift is an endoscopic upper face procedure performed through a 2-cm incision hidden in the scalp and supported by microfat injections.

Ponytail lift surgery is very similar to an endoscopic midface lift surgery, but its scope is somewhat more limited. Therefore, the excessive/prolonged swelling observed after endoscopic midface lift surgery is less and remains shorter after this surgery.

The ideal patient should have a strong facial skeleton. Long faces are preferred.

The technique is almost useless on very heavy faces.

When done alone, it does not allow a striking change other than refreshing the upper face and the area around the eyes. Thus, it is almost always supported by adipose tissue transfer and sometimes with silicone cheek implants. It is often combined with perioral interventions and minimally invasive neck lift approaches in people with moderate facial aging.



In minimally invasive/limited-effect surgeries such as the ponytail lift, it is imperative that the patient supports the surgical result with hair and make-up done perfectly. An individual who does not wear or like make-up but undergoes this surgical procedure should not hope that they will look 10 years younger. This will result in nothing but disappointment.

Again, patients who want to undergo this surgery should like the "slanted" look they see when they put their hands on the temple area and pull it upwards and laterally.

A positive aspect of this procedure is that it does not adversely affect future facelift procedures. The most important point we can cite as a disadvantage is the permanent loss of sensation in a part of the face as a result of the surgical incision of the ZF nerve.

As in all facial aesthetic surgeries, the key to patient satisfaction after a ponytail lift is to clarify during the preoperative examination whether your preoperative expectations can be satisfied through this procedure.

Feel free to contact us for detailed information about scar-free facial rejuvenation surgeries and to find out if you are eligible for these procedures.

Take good care...

... of yourself and your beauty.

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