Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi

On facial aesthetics with Dr.Bitik

What You Need to Know About Nose Fillers

Nose fillers have recently become one of the most popular aesthetic interventions. Coming events cast their shadows before. Rhinoplasty (nose job) has been the most commonly-performed aesthetic surgery in our country for a long time. In these days when the wind of non-surgical aesthetic procedures is sweeping the ground, it would not be wise to expect the nose job to remain unaffected by non-surgical interventions! Here are the key points you need to know about nose fillers:

1. You Should Know Exactly What Is Meant By "Fillers".

“Filler” is the “general” name of the substances injected into the human body to give it additional volume. There are various types of fillers in medical use that are approved for injection into the human body. By far, the most common filler is a kind of sugar jelly called "Hyaluronic Acid (HA)", which is found naturally in human joints. Apart from HA, various substances such as collagen, polyglactin/polylactide and calcium hydroxyapatite are medically used. There are also numerous under-the-counter substances, ranging from olive oil to vaseline, window silicone to hair gel, which are not used for medical purposes.

Even the most commonly used HA fillers have hundreds of different types. Each filler has different hardness, fluidity, permanence and chemical bonding properties. So you can't take any HA filler of the best filler brand and apply it to the nose. Therefore, be sure to take and store a sample of the barcoded ID card of the filler to be injected into your nose.

2. Nose Fillers Have Not been approved by the FDA.

In order for any substance to be used for medical purposes, it must be thoroughly examined, approved and inspected by authorized authorities such as the FDA, the European Standards Institute, and the Turkish Ministry of Health after market launch. We can say that the more the number of institutions giving approval, the safer a drug or medical device is. It is useful to know that the American FDA has not yet approved the nasal injection of any fillers. No fillers injected into the nose in the US? They are definitely injected. However, this is called “off label” use. If you have any complications, you can't just complain and say, “Hey, I didn't know that. I was never told about it.” On the other hand, according to literature data, application under the nasal skin seems to have a risk profile similar to those in other parts of the face.

3. Make Sure You Are The Ideal Patient For Nasal Fillers.

We can say that the ideal patients for nasal fillers are individuals whose nasal hump starts not from the junction of the forehead and nose but from a lower point. In such noses, the upper part of the nose where the ridge meets the forehead is structurally low, so the other parts look as if they are too high and humped. Raising the low ridge of the nose with fillers can create the illusion of a flatter nasal ridge by eliminating the hump appearance.

4. It Is a Fast, Effective And Quickly-Healing Medical Intervention.

In the ideal patient group, the application takes 5-10 minutes and is a minimally-painful procedure. After the procedure, you can resume social life instantly. Improvement is instantly visible. After the procedure, wearing glasses is not recommended as they apply pressure on the site of intervention. In the first 4 or 5 days after the procedure, the affected site may appear more swollen than the final state depending on edema, and the final state appears in about 14 days on average. Typically, additional doses and retouches may be applied if necessary.

5. Make Sure That The Physician Who Will Perform The Procedure Is An Expert In Rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is a whole. It is key that the person who evaluates a patient in terms of nasal aesthetics has experience in surgeries as well as non-surgical procedures. Only a physician having experience in both can accurately and impartially explain the available options to you. Anyone with a medical degree and a needle can give fillers to the nose in Turkey. Making sure that the hand holding the needle has done several hundred nose jobs will not be a burden for you.



6. The Filler Will Enlarge Your Nose.

As the name implies, a filler will fill your nose, that is, it will enlarge it. Many patients ask for a nose job but only imagine their noses will be shaped without any enlargement. My observation is that Turkish patients mostly desire smaller noses and do not greatly tolerate the volume increase in the nose. Therefore, it is worth thinking a little about whether you will like having a larger nose after the procedure.

7. The Fillers Can Give Us ‘Soft Contours’.

Fillers have to be soft enough to flow through an injector. Unfortunately, it is not physically possible to obtain hard contours and angles with such a soft material. In nose procedures, particularly in some areas, the angulation of the cartilaginous structure on the surface of the skin as well as sharp lines and "definition" are very important from an aesthetic point of view. Thus, it is worth taking care not to lose the folds that give character to the nasal tip when applying fillers there.

8. Minor Post-Operative Irregularities Can Be Camouflaged With Fillers.

Fillers can be applied to remove some post-operative irregularities that are too minor to require another surgery. The most common applications include eliminating the millimetric level differences between the wings and camouflaging the point collapses on the nasal ridge or bone fracture lines respectively.

9. Fillers May Help Postpone Revision Surgery For a While.

Say you have had an unsuccessful nose job and you are not happy with the result, but you are not ready for another operation. In that case, the contour of the nose can be temporarily corrected with fillers, and you can feel more comfortable psychologically and socially until the revision surgery.

10. The Effect Of Fillers Is Temporary.

Do not consider permanent fillers (silicone, etc.) when the nose is concerned. Most of the fillers injected will be absorbed by the body within the first year, and their effect will disappear. Therefore, it is worth considering that in order to sustain the result, the process will have to be repeated after a year as well as each year that follows. Thinking "how long this will last", most patients turn to rhinoplasty, a more permanent solution, after a couple of procedures.

11. Nasal Fillers Have Serious Complications.

Nasal fillers are a medical intervention and, like all medical interventions, has its own complications. Although the major complications in the nose are skin loss and blindness, thankfully these grave complications are extremely rare.

12. You Should Think About Cost In The Long Term.

Following the first session, nose fillers seem to be a cheaper alternative to rhinoplasty. On the other hand, if you think about the long run, the total money you will spend to maintain the effect of nasal fillers in the next 10 years will probably be more than what you would spend for rhinoplasty.

13. Nose Fillers Are Not a Substitute For Rhinoplasty.

Nose fillers are never a substitute for a successful rhinoplasty. Fillers have almost no permanent effect on nasal breathing function. Compared to the gains of rhinoplasty, what can be achieved with fillers is highly limited. Just because a patient who needs rhinoplasty is afraid of the surgery does not make them a good candidate for nasal fillers. Similarly, obtaining a temporarily-satisfactory shape in the nose with nasal fillers does not change the fact that rhinoplasty is still the most reasonable option in the long run.

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