Plastik Rekonstrüktif ve Estetik Cerrahi

On facial aesthetics with Dr.Bitik

Will Facelift Surgery Change Your Expression?

Candidates for facial rejuvenation surgery have a common concern, which they voice using the same words almost every time.

"I don't want my expression changed."

Patients cannot fully explain their anxiety while saying this sentence.

I will try to explain it to you - for you.

Pay attention to this: No one says they don't want the "expression" of their face changed. This is because if you have visited a doctor for facial rejuvenation surgery, it means that there is something on your face that makes you unhappy and you want changed.

The word “expression” contains adjectives that pop up in the minds of others when the image of our face is perceived by them.

Happy, cheerful, serene, clear, calm, peaceful, clean, lively, energetic, excited, inviting...

Sad, tired, angry, depressed, restless, sluggish, sleepless, reluctant, cold.

An expression is a variable and dynamic definition.

Our expression is influenced by the following:

  1. Structural factors such as the shape of our face, our mimics, the way we speak and the way we smile,

  2. External factors such as make-up, choice of clothes, hairstyle and ambient light,

  3. Internal factors such as the emotions emanating from our character and from inside us momentarily.

We want to look the way we feel. Let our character and emotions be read on our faces.

Some of the physical symptoms that appear on our face during the aging process cause our face to be matched by external observers with adjectives that do not reflect the person inside us.

The motivation which leads individuals to facial rejuvenation surgeries is often the desire to get rid of these adjectives that are incompatible with our personality.

A facial rejuvenation surgery performed in accordance with current scientific principles will change your expression towards positive adjectives, not negative ones.



In modern facial rejuvenation surgeries, one of the most important principles we adopt to preserve a natural expression is to apply a pulling force in the direction (vector) appropriate to the movement directions of the facial muscles while stretching the soft tissue layers of the face. Some of the approaches that best preserve the expression are the deep plane facelift and composite facelift approaches, in which the tissue layers are raised as a whole and advanced as a whole.

In facial rejuvenation surgeries, it is necessary to avoid excessive tension and an over-corrected appearance as well as a planning in which part of the face is done and other parts (e.g. forehead, neck) are ignored. The most important and indispensable criterion for natural results is to perform the right surgery for the right indication and the right patient.

Another requirement for preserving expression in facelift surgeries is that both patients and surgeons preoperatively understand the limitations of surgery very well. Facial rejuvenation surgeries are designed to make your face look “better”, but the definition of “better” has a limit that varies according to the nature of each patient. When we start to push the limits, we start to end up in faces that move away from being natural.

We tell patients who apply for facial rejuvenation surgery that our goal is to make them a beauty of their age. A beauty of their age means that postoperatively, they will carry on their face some signs of aging peculiar to all individuals in their age group, albeit to a lesser extent. For instance, before the operation, you suffer from bags under your eyes or the nasolabial fold at the junction of your lip and cheek. You should know that surgery will mostly correct these, but under-eye bags and the nasolabial fold will and should remain to some extent after the surgery. In surgery, pulling your face too far laterally to remove the nasolabial fold or lifting the cheek tissue too high in order to cover the under-eye bags will only give you a distinctly different facial structure than all individuals of your age. This is what I mean by not pushing the limits.

Natural results can only be achieved through “minor imperfections” left untouched consciously and deliberately.

If you want to have facial rejuvenation surgery but are afraid that your expression will change, another thing you need to do is to see the surgical results of the physician who will perform your surgery. Let's see if his patients' expressions have changed. If you want to get detailed information on facial rejuvenation surgeries or to see what results modern facial rejuvenation surgeries can yield for real patients, feel free to contact us.

Take good care...

... of yourself and your beauty.

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